Oil IGP-114

# N /A

SKU: 186210784 Category:


Industrial oil GPI-114 base oil of sulphurous oils deep selective purification of antioxidant, antiwear, anticorrosion and antifoam additives. The main indicators, GPI-114 oil, are viscosity, oxidation stability, corrosion resistance and resistance to foaming.


Applied IGP-114 oil in the hydraulic systems of heavy press equipment and for lubrication of the gear transmission, moderate loaded and worm gear in the circulation lubrication systems of various equipment


Indicator Norm
Appearance Homogeneous transparent liquid
Density at 20 ° C, kg /m3 and not more than 900
Kinematic viscosity, at 40 ° C, mm2 /s, within 186-205
Viscosity index, not less than 90
Flash point open cup, ° C, min 230
Pour Point, ° C, max -15
Mass fraction of zinc,%, at least 0,04
Mass fraction of sulfur,%, not more than 1,0
Color on colorimeter CNT, units of CNT, not more than 7,0
Anti-corrosion properties: degree of corrosion The lack
Acid number, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, not more than 1,0
Saponification number, mg KOH per 1 g of the oil within 0,8-2,5
aging in hot condition: increase of acid value after the oxidation, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, not more than 0,35
thermooxidative stability: an increase in acid value, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, not more than 0,5
The water content Tracks
Content of mechanical impurities The lack
Ash content,%, not more than 0,2

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