Oil INSp-65

# N /A

SKU: 186216099 Category:


Oil INSp-65 petroleum oil contains protivoskachkovuyu, extreme pressure, adhesiveness, solubilizing and antifoam additives.


Oil INSp-65 for the lubrication of medium and heavy-duty horizontal rails and vertical rails or vertical and horizontal tracks for a total lubrication system.

Technical haraketristiki

The name of indicators Rates
Appearance Transparent yellow liquid
Density at 20 ° C, kg /m3 and not more than 908
Kinematic viscosity, at 40 ° C, mm2 /s, within 100-110
Acid number, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, not more than 2,0
Flash point open cup, ° C, min 190
Water content Tracks
Pour Point, ° C, max -20
Mass fraction of mechanical impurities,%, no more than 0,04
The content of selective solvents The lack
Mass fraction of water-soluble acids and alkalis The lack
Ash,%, within 0,15-0,25
Adhesion Properties the apparent stickiness
Tribological characteristics on four-ball machine at (20 ± 5) ° C:

  • welding load (Pc), N (kgf) at least
1.96 thousand (200)

  • critical load (Pk), N (kgf) at least
780 (80)

  • badass index (Out), H (kgf), not less than
334 (34)
Corrosion test (copper and steel St40 M1) The Braves

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Additional information




State of aggregation

Type (manufacturing technology)