Oil INSp 110

# N /A

SKU: 186216764 Category:


Oil INSp 110 petroleum oil contains protivoskachkovuyu, extreme pressure, adhesiveness, solubilizing and antifoam additives.


Oil INSp-110 is used for the lubrication of sliding guides and rolling of cutting machines, gear lead screw-nut machine of special high-precision, computer-controlled, which require uniformity of slow movements, accuracy and sensitivity adjusting movements tables slides, slides, headstocks, racks and other assemblies, as well as where it is necessary to reduce the level of friction coefficients of static and kinetic conditions. Besides the main purpose INSp oil 110 may be used to lubricate gears and worm gears.

Oil INSp-110 to the vertical guides, as well as horizontal guides with vertical faces of large area.


The name of indicators Norm
Appearance Transparent yellow liquid
Density at 20 ° C, kg /m3 and not more than 908
Kinematic viscosity, at 40 ° C, mm2 /s, within 175-200
Acid number, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, not more than 2,0
Flash point open cup, ° C, min 190
Water content Tracks
Pour Point, ° C, max -15
Mass fraction of mechanical impurities,%, no more than 0,04
The content of selective solvents The lack
Mass fraction of water-soluble acids and alkalis The lack
Ash,%, within 0,15-0,25
Adhesion Properties the apparent stickiness
Tribological characteristics on four-ball machine at (20 ± 5) ° C:

  • welding load (Pc), N (kgf) at least

  • critical load (Pk), N (kgf) at least

  • badass index (Out), H (kgf), not less than
Corrosion test (copper and steel St40 M1) The Braves

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