Oil PPMS-4

silicone fluid

SKU: 59551344 Category:



  • The high temperature heat transfer fluid;
  • Lubrication rolling bearing, shariko- threaded connections, continuously operating at 300 ° C and briefly at 400 ° C;
  • The working fluid in the high-vacuum pumps;
  • The dispersion medium particularly low temperature oils and greases in ball bearings and freon refrigerators, refrigerating machine oil. lubricant for refrigeration compressors.


  • Liquid PPMS-4 is absolutely transparent;
  • Liquid PPMS-4 has a high thermostability;
  • Liquid PPMS-4 has a high lubricity;
  • Liquid PPMS-4 has no corrosive effect on metals.

Technical features ki

Indicator Norm
Pour point in ° C, not higher -20
Volatility in% by weight, at 300 ° C for 30 hr., Not more than 52
silicon content in wt% within 21,6 – 23,1
Flash Point ° C, not lower 300
Mechanical impurities No
Kinematic viscosity at 20 ° C, cSt 600-1000
Appearance A clear, colorless liquid
The pH of the aqueous extract 6-7
corrosive effect on metal The lack

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