Oil VNIINP – 403

industrial oils

SKU: 59551452 Category:


Oil VNIINP 403 – distillate oil from sulfur and low-sulfur crudes containing anticorrosive, antioxidant and anti-foam additives



used as the working fluid in hydraulic systems, machine tools, transfer lines, heavy presses, as well as the circulation lubrication systems of machine tools.


Indicator Norm
Density at 20 ° C, g /cm3 0,860-0,890
Kinematic viscosity at 40 ° C, mm2 /s 41-51
Viscosity index, not less than 97
Flash point open cup, ° C, min 202
Pour Point, ° C, max -20
Mass fraction of sulfur,%, not more than 1,0
Color on colorimeter CNT, ed. CNT, not more than 4
corrosive action on metals (steel St40 or 50 and copper M2 GOST 859) The Braves
Acid number, mg KOH per 1 g of oil 0,7-1,0
Stability against oxidation:

acid number after oxidation, mg KOH per 1 g, not more than


sediment after oxidation

The water content,% The traces
Mass fraction of mechanical impurities,%, no more than 0,007

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