Oil I-20A

industrial oils

SKU: 59551528 Category:


Oil I-20A mineral oil selective treatment without additives.


Oil I-20A are used in machines and mechanisms of industrial equipment, the working conditions that do not impose specific requirements to antioxidant and anticorrosion properties of oils. Also oil-20A can be applied as hydraulic fluids. Operably oil I-20 at a temperature of from -5 to 70 ° C under continuous operation. Due to deep cleaning oil-20A has a high resistance to oxidation, good demulsifying properties. Oil I-20 is often called the “Veretenko”. Oil I-20, I-30, I-40 can be replaced by doped oil IGP-18 GPI-30 GPI-38 GPI-49 with the appropriate viscosity.


Indicator Norm
Kinematic viscosity at 40 ° C, mm2 /c, min 29-35
Flashpoint COC oC, min 200
Pour point oC, max -15
Acid number, mg KOH /1 g of an oil, min 0,03
Ash content,%, max 0,005

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