Oil ILS-5

industrial oils

SKU: 59551548 Category:


Oil ILS-5 (used instead of IGP-4, GPI-6, IGP-8, IGP-14) oil severely solvent refined with an antioxidant, antiwear, anticorrosion and antifoam additives. Oil ILS-5 used for lubrication high lightly loaded mechanisms (spindles, bearings, and associated with a compound of them).


Oil ILS-5 can be used to replace oil with no additives and 5A and I-8A.


Indicator Norm
Kinematic viscosity at 40 ° C, mm2 /s 4,1-5,1
Acid number, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, not more than 1,0
Viscosity index, not less than
Ash content,%, not more than 0,2
Content of mechanical impurities no
The water content no
Density, kg /m 3, no more than 850 (880)
Pour Point, ° C, max -15
Color on colorimeter CNT, units of CNT, not more than 1,5
Flash point open cup, ° C, min 110
Mass fraction,%:
zinc, at least

sulfur, no more


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State of aggregation

Type (manufacturing technology)
