oil Kormin

anticorrosive materials

SKU: 59551592 Category:


Oil Kormin is made based on mineral oil and contains a significant amount of oil soluble corrosion inhibitors.


Oil Kormin used for protection against atmospheric corrosion of external surfaces of agricultural machinery and spare parts, as well as machine tool manufacturing and engineering industries of ferrous, non-ferrous metals and their alloys in the conditions of use and storage. On the surface to be protected the composition is applied by brush or by dipping at a temperature of 80-100 ° C. The product with a protective film Comyn composition can be stored with the direct impact of rainfall during the year.


Indicator Norm
Appearance The thick viscous oil
color dark brown
Kinematic viscosity, mm2 /s at 100 ° C 15,0-25,0
Temperature, ° C:
flash open cup. not less than 160
pour point, not higher than -10
Mass fraction,%:
water traces
mechanical impurities, no more 0,1
TBN, mg KOH /g, at least 5,0
Acid number, mg KOH /g
Protective properties GOST 9.054-75 steel 10, the time until the first signs of corrosion cycles:
at elevated humidity and temperature (T-4) Method 1 200
under constant immersion in the electrolyte (seawater), Method 4 105
HBr upon exposure method 5 4h, steel, surface, surface corroded,% is not defined

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State of aggregation

Type (manufacturing technology)