Pince NG-222AF

anticorrosive materials

SKU: 59551848 Category:



Composition Pins NG-222AF is designed for corrosion protection of aircraft in order to increase the reliability and service life, as well as for corrosion protection products and spare parts from ferrous and nonferrous metals, stored in the open sites, in warehouses under the eaves and in the package in different climatic zones.

Has fungicidal and biocidal properties against fungi and bacteria, damaging the integrity of the protective film and corrosive metals during aircraft operation.


Indicator Norm
Appearance homogeneous liquid of dark brown color
Film Type even, light brown color without foreign impurities
Viscosity by VZ-4, with not less than 100
Mass fraction of active substance,%, not less than 40
Dropping Point active substance, ° C, min 55
dolyavody mass,%, not more than 0,2
The protective properties,% hitting surface of the plate for 1 test cycle, no more 1
Protective properties under constant immersion in electrolyte aluminum AK-6% lesion of the plate surface of 100 hours of testing, no more 1
Resistance to mold gribostoek

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Additional information


A type

Volume (L)



material containers
