
anticorrosive materials

SKU: 59551880 Category:


Perfluoropolyethers , the molecules of which consist of carbon, oxygen and fluorine is prepared by various methods.

Perfluoropolyethers , the molecules of which consist of carbon, oxygen and fluorine is prepared by various methods: an ionic polymerization oxide perfluorinated olefins, photo-oxidative polymerization of perfluoroolefins oxidative polymerization of perfluoroolefins in the presence of initiators
PET are transparent, colorless, viscous liquid with very low volatility and high density.

The chemical nature PEF (high strength of the C-O and CF, spatial protection provided fluorine atoms) determines the high stability of compounds, making them suitable for use in corrosive environments . The advantage of PEF to silicone oils is the lack of hard deposits at high voltage arcing.

The PEF electronics can be used as electrically insulating fluids and coolants.

The low surface energy and high stability of PEF makes them an excellent material for protective stone, especially for easily breakable limestone and brick. Good results in this area provide the functionality PEF (acids, alcohols). PEF penetrate into the pores and prevent the infiltration of water, thereby contributing to conservation structures.





Colorless transparent mobile liquid

The average degree of polymerization


The average molecular weight


boiling range at,? S

& gt; 240

Kinematic Viscosity cSt at 20? C


Density at 20? C g /cm3


pour point temperature,? C

& lt; -35

The reaction of aqueous extract of


Interaction with 30% solution of K2CO3

The lack

Test for corrosion of steel and copper St35 M1

The Braves

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