Transformer oil SH (20L).

Transformer oils

SKU: 684071281 Category:


Transformer oil VG is made from paraffin oils with hydrocatalytic processes; Ionol contains an additive. It has good dielectric properties, high oxidation stability. Recommended for use in electrical equipment of higher voltage classes

Transformer oil VG is supplied in containers of 20 liters. By oxidation stability far exceeds oil T-1500 . Transformer oil SH widely used as insulating oil in the distribution equipment, transformers, converters, inductors, capacitors, as well as current distributing apparatus with voltage up to 1150 kV.


Indicator Norm
Kinematic viscosity at + 50 /-30 ° C, mm2 /c, min 9,0 /1500
daelektricheskih loss tangent at 90 ° C,%, max 0,5
Flash point in closed crucible oC, min 135
Pour point oC, max -45
Acid number, mg KOH /1 g of an oil, min 0,01
Stability against oxidation by the method IEC oxidation induction period, h, min 150

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