Transformer oils

SKU: 762623344 Category:


RENOLIN PG – is a series of fully synthetic lubricants based on polyalkylene glycols for use in industrial gearboxes, hydraulic and lubrication systems, exposed to high temperatures. The starting material for the production of a polyalkylene glycol oil and natural gas. With the splitting of the molecules and subsequent synthesis obtained polymer chains of varying length. The viscosity of the product depends on chain length. Obtained thanks to the synthesis of polyalkylene have a uniform structure.

Field of application

RENOLIN PG 150-460 are used in heavy duty bevel, planetary and worm gearboxes. Everywhere where there are sliding surfaces, gear oils based on polyalkylene have advantages over mineral oils: reducing operating oil temperature will significantly lengthen the intervals between oil changes, which in turn will reduce transaction costs and the costs of disposal.


  • very good viscosity-temperature characteristics;

  • a very good mechanical stability; viscosity loss & lt; 1% in accordance with DIN 51 382

  • the ability to perceive the high load and pressure;

  • High wear protection;

  • low coefficient of friction, thereby decreasing the working oil temperature;

  • oxidation stability;

  • high resistance to aging;

  • low toxicity;

  • exceptional corrosion protection of steel and non-ferrous metals;

  • low foaming;

  • high ignition temperature;

  • Series oils RENOLIN PG withstand continuous use at temperatures up to 180 ° C (short-term operation up to 200? C is allowed).


Indicator Norm
The viscosity at 100 ° C mm² /s 36,8 DIN 51 562
The viscosity at 40 ° C mm? /C 220 DIN 51 562
The viscosity index 218 DIN ISO 2909
SAE viscosity (ISO VG) 220
Copper corrosion points 1-100 A24 DIN ISO 2160
Density at 15 ° C g /ml 1075 DIN 51 757
Flash Point ° C 240 DIN ISO 2592
Pour Point ° C -36 DIN ISO 3016

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