Castrol Rustilo DW 330

preservative oil

SKU: 858442888 Category:


Castrol Rustilo DW 330 (previously referred SafeCoat DW 33) is a highly effective corrosion inhibitor vodozameschayuschimi with good properties. After evaporation of the solvent leaves the inhibitor on the product solid oily protective film.

Field of application

Rustilo DW 330 is used for long-term protection from corrosion in harsh environments.
Ideal for processing equipment and components before long-term storage or transportation.
Can be applied by brush or spray , but the maximum efficiency and dewatering properties are achieved in the treatment by immersion.


  • It improves the working conditions of operators through the use of solvents with a low aromatic content.
  • Do not contain heavy metals, which corresponds to the requirements of sanitary rules and requirements for disposing of the regions where they are applicable.
  • Contains effective corrosion inhibitors that provide protection in harsh environments. Very good vodozameschayuschie and penetrating properties.
  • High stability contamination acids and alkalis, which contributes to longer service life of the inhibitor during immersion treatment.
  • The robust protective film, with pressure continuing fingers.
  • The protective film is removed based cleaners hydrocarbons or alkaline cleaners.


Indicator Norm
Flashpoint 61,5
Density at 15 0,84

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State of aggregation

Type (manufacturing technology)
